Sunday, May 8, 2011

motueka is the shit

wow tonight was way kool! who would have guessed that the gig in motueka on a sunday night would be the highlight of the tour so far? thank you so much Hot Mama's  for having us, what good times! Thanks to Lu for looking after us, as well as Andy and Amanda. Shit i need a sleep. Last night still hasn't really ended yet... (imagine one of those buzzy 'go back in time' effects right about now) So if i were to tell you exactly about all our activities last night then it would go on forever, so I'll try and summarise it. After Palmerston North, we travelled to Wellington into what seemed like ridiculously impending doom wheatherwise, until we suddenly turned right and avoided all that shit and turned up in brilliant sunshine and gloriousity. The trip seemed to take very little time, although the last hill we went over brought us into shitty clouds and other lame foggy stuff. pretty buzz because of Wellingtons windy reputation.
We arrived at 59a Boulcott street with no idea of what to expect, only to find a lift leading right to the flat door and an awesome open-plan living arrangement. Sadly we had to cover the ridiculously oversized television screen with a marshal cabinet for PC, but I don't think anyone minded. The noise control/eviction threat was always a scary thought, but we somehow managed to Paul Cathro our way through it. We made $69 from donations for the evening, which will totally get us through the next petrol station barrier. Thanks a bunch to Steven for having us bombard his flat for the evening, what a legend.

Ben and I wandered around Wellington until 7am biding our time before had to wake up the boys to make the mission to round up everyone else from wherever they had ended up. Good times, we made it to the ferry really early, what the fuck? I forgot to bring up the mixer, so when it was time for Paul to play he had to chose between plugging guitar or vocals into the speaker. Oops. I wasn't too phased though, I wasn't really there. I spent the majority of the ferry trip wrapped up in some kind of fetal position fast asleep. We arrived in Picton to beautiful rays of sunshine burning out our retinas, and drove the (relatively) short distance to Motueka, stopping on the way only to do a $5 per diem in Nelson which Ben and I collectively spent at Subway on a 12" meatball sub + a drink. The L&P sucked. next thing we''re all set up in Motueka and showering and recovering at Lu's house before tonights show. Who would have thought that Motueka on a Sunday night would be the best gig of the tour so far? I personally had no doubt, the south island kicks ass, although the north island was still quite good to us. 3:31am, this is the earliest I've had the thought of sleep in the last several days, but I think it's probably very needed by now. Thanks for having me, I'll be here all week. Bugs.

PS. Shipsy has photos if you want to visualise those visualisations

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